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Welcome to Begg Bagpipes


                           ------Est. 1980 Glasgow city centre's oldest bagpipe shop------
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                                                The Worlds - August 2011


Dear Piping Enthusiast,  


The BBC did a great job of streaming some 7 hours of coverage from the World Championships including all of the Grade One competition. If you want to catch-up and hear some brilliant music, this is the link - don't forget to feed the sound through some decent speakers. 


World Pipe Band Championships 2011


Begg sheepskin bags had a great outing with many bands, but the undoubted highlight was a 1,2,3 in Grade One with Field Marshall Montgomery, Simon Fraser University and Scottish Power. If you do nothing else, listen to the medley from the Field Marshall - absolutely stunning and one of the greatest ever pipe band performances.


Yours aye,

James C. Begg




Begg Bagpipes
202B Bath Street
, Strathclyde G2 4HF
United Kingdom
This email was sent to: wgbegg@hotmail.com


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